Sunday 19 July 2015

The Benefits of Training

The benefits of having a trained dog are nearly limitless! From 

the moment you get your new puppy or dog, here’s a run-down 

of just some of the advantages and benefits:

Puppy classes provide the opportunity for getting your new 

family member started off right. Puppy classes provide the 

experiences and opportunities for your puppy to develop 

interaction skills with other puppies, with people, and in new 

Puppy socialization has been found to be critical to the 

psychological health of adult dogs. Puppy classes provide the 

opportunity for this important facet of your puppy’s 

Training classes provide dog owners the skills and knowledge 

for dealing with common, normal dog behaviors—starting with 

puppy behaviors such as housetraining and chewing.
No matter what age you start training your dog, foundation 

training provides the basis for any activity, behavior or job you 

want your dog to do.
Training provides dogs with the basic good manners we all 

want—from polite greeting when guests arrive, to walking 

nicely on the leash, to coming when called.
A trained dog is a fully participating member of the family—

what a gift for all of you!
A trained dog joins in the fun when company comes, 

accompanies the family to the kids’ sports games, goes with you 

to visit friends and relatives, goes for hikes, swims, and 

everything else the family does together.

Training enables you to choose from among a broad range of 

activities and dog sports to participate in and enjoy with your 

dog such as dog agility, Rally-obedience, dancing with your 

dog, tracking, search & rescue, skijoring, sledding, water 

rescue trials, obedience, carting, reading programs, therapy 

work, and a nearly endless range of fun and philanthropic 

things to do!
Training has been shown to be the single most important thing 

that keeps a dog in his or her “forever” home.
Training builds your mutual bond, enhances the partnership 

and enriches the relationship you share with your dog. Is there 

anything better?
Having a trained dog is a joy for both you and your dog!

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